

The Non-stationary Stochastic Seismic Responses of Single-double Layer Reticulated Dome Structures
摘要 在随机振动虚拟激励法的理论基础上,采用改进的C-P随机模型和有限元程序AN SY S 8.0,对一致地震动输入下周边双层中部单层球面网壳结构的非平稳动力响应进行分析.分析结果表明:单双层网壳结构形式在地震作用下受力是合理的,结构的水平(X)和竖向(Z)动位移都比较大,工程设计时应该考虑耦合效应;增加网壳结构的矢高,单双层网壳结构的面内刚度增大,面外刚度减小;增大网壳结构的单双层跨度比对结构的面外刚度影响不大,但是却使结构的面内刚度明显减小;单双层网壳连接区域刚度的突变对结构地震响应的影响发生在与连接区域相邻或者相近的节点和杆件上,而且这种影响随着单双层跨度比的增大而趋于平缓. Based on the theory of Pseudo Excitation Method, the non-stationary stochastic seismic response of the central-single-layer and peripheral-double-layer reticulated dome structures under the consistent earthquake input are analyzed by using the updated random C lough-Penzien Model and Finite Element Program ANSYS 8. 0. The analysis results indicate that the internal force distribution of the single-double layer reticulated dome structures under the earthquake action is reasonable, and the horizontal(X) and vertical(Z) dynamic displacements of the structure are both lager. The coupling effect should be taken into account in the engineering design. The plane stiffness of the single-double reticulated dome structures will increase and the stiffness outside of the plane will decrease with the increase of the depth. And the influence on the stiffness outside of the plane is very little when the span ratio of the single part to the double part increases, while the plane stiffness of the structure will change obviously. The stiffness catastrophe in the connection region of the single-double reticulated dome will influence the seismic response of the structure. The joints and members near this region will be influenced obviously, but the influence will decrease with the increase of the span ratio of the single part to the double part.
出处 《广西科学》 CAS 2007年第3期265-269,共5页 Guangxi Sciences
基金 广东省自然科学基金项目(020940)资助
关键词 单双层球面网壳 地震响应 非平稳随机振动 虚拟激励法 single-double layer reticulated dome, seismic response, non-stationary random vibration, pseudo excitation method
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