考察了乳聚丁苯橡胶SBR1712、溶聚丁苯橡胶Buna VSL 5025-1、JSR T5800和JSRSL563与天然橡胶(NR)并用硫化胶的物理机械性能和动态力学性能。结果表明,NR/JSR T5800并用胶在满足轮胎基本物性下,其压缩生热最小、抗湿滑性最好、滚动阻力最小,能够有效地解决轮胎胎面胶滚动阻力和抗湿滑性之间的矛盾,满足高性能轮胎发展的需要。
The effect of ESBR1712,Buna VSL 5025-1,JSR T5800 and JSR SL563 on the physical mechanical properties and dynamic mechanical properties of NR/SBR were studied. The results showed that NR/JSR T5800 could fulfill the requirement of the tire compounds and at the same time the heat build-up of the compounds was the least, the wet traction of the NR/JSR T5800 compounds was the best,while the rolling resistance was the least. The wet traction and the rolling resistance of NR/SBR could be well balanced by using JSR T5800. NR/JSR T5800 could fulfill the requirement of the high performance tire compounds.
China Elastomerics