
电磁波的安全问题 被引量:2

Safety Concern of Electromagnetic Wave
摘要 经过50多年的研究,目前可证实有害的"非电离辐射"生物效应是热效应(高频)与电刺激(低频)。有许多关于低强度电磁波生物效应的报导,却没有一个所谓的"非热效应"能独立地被重复证实或证明是有害的。在无线电波段,除了热效应以外,没有已知的机理可以预测有害健康的效应。国际电磁波安全标准是在对健康有影响的生物效应进行评估的基础上制定的,包括了热效应和非热效应,以及短期与长期照射的结果。过去10年内有20多个独立专家组和政府健康机构发表类似世界卫生组织在2006年的声明,迄今,所有针对无线电频率场的专家评审都得出了同样的结论:低于国际非电离放射防护委员会规定暴露限值的无线电频率场暴露对人类健康没有任何危害。 After more than 50 years of research, the only proven harmful health effects of“non-ionizing radiation” are thermal effects (at high frequency) and electrostimulation (at low frequency). There have been many reported low intensity electromagnetic wave biological effects, but none of the “non-thermal effects” can be independently replicated or shown to be harmful. In the radio frequency range, except for thermal effects, there is no known mechanism?that can predict harmful health effects. The international electromagnetic safety standards are based on reviews of the biological effects that affect human health, including both thermal and non-thermal effects as well as short-term and long-term exposures. During the last ten years, more than 20 independent expert groups and government health authorities have published statements similar to that released by the World Health Organization in 2006: To date, all expert reviews on the health effects of exposure to RF fields have reached the same conclusion: There have been no adverse health consequences established from exposure to RF fields at levels below the international guidelines on exposure limits published by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.
作者 周重光
机构地区 摩托罗拉
出处 《现代电信科技》 2007年第8期1-5,共5页 Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications
关键词 电磁波 非电离辐射 安全标准 权衡取证 风险评估 electromagnetic wave, non-ionizing radiation, safety standard, weight of evidence, risk assessment
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  • 9WHO (2004). http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/ index 1 .html
  • 10各政府和专家组对射频电磁波的健康影响与安全暴露限值的声明(2000-2007)











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