After more than 50 years of research, the only proven harmful health effects of“non-ionizing radiation” are thermal effects (at high frequency) and electrostimulation (at low frequency). There have been many reported low intensity electromagnetic wave biological effects, but none of the “non-thermal effects” can be independently replicated or shown to be harmful. In the radio frequency range, except for thermal effects, there is no known mechanism?that can predict harmful health effects. The international electromagnetic safety standards are based on reviews of the biological effects that affect human health, including both thermal and non-thermal effects as well as short-term and long-term exposures. During the last ten years, more than 20 independent expert groups and government health authorities have published statements similar to that released by the World Health Organization in 2006: To date, all expert reviews on the health effects of exposure to RF fields have reached the same conclusion: There have been no adverse health consequences established from exposure to RF fields at levels below the international guidelines on exposure limits published by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications
electromagnetic wave, non-ionizing radiation, safety standard, weight of evidence, risk assessment