多媒体播放器市场的快速发展为低成本的DSP/MCU混合器件的应用提供了发展的良机。本文分析了Infineon(SIEMENS)C167CS的结构,提出了Infineon(SIEMENS)C167CS单片机和MAS3507+DAC3550解码器开发的MP3播放器的方案,采用了自顶向下的设计方法对总体设计方案、硬件各个组成部分(播放器的硬件解码技术、数模转换的控制技术)和软件进行了分析和设计。全部程序用Ke il公司的C编译器和链接器编译通过并运行良好,该系统具有实现简单,成本低,运行效率高,功能强大等优点,有很好的发展前途。
Rapid development of multimedia player markets provides a chance for applications of DSP/MCU. This paper analyses the structure of Infineon (SIEMENS) C167CS; puts forward the scheme of MP3 developed by Infineon (SIEMENS) C167CS and MAS3507 + DAC3550 decoder; analyses and designs the scheme, components of hardware and software adopting from top to bottom. This system uses C programmer and linker of Keil Company, and operates well. The system has some strong points: easy realization, low cost, high operating efficiency and excellent functions.
Aeronautical Computing Technique