通过盆栽试验,研究了不同镉(Cd)污染水平和石灰处理下剑麻植株的长势及剑麻体内的Cd含量,结果表明:在Cd 25 mg/kg污染土壤中剑麻生长受影响不大,在Cd 50 mg/kg污染土壤中剑麻可以生长,当Cd污染水平达到100 mg/kg时剑麻受毒害严重;剑麻对Cd的吸收量地下部明显高于地上部;在Cd≤50 mg/kg污染土壤中加入石灰并没有增加剑麻对Cd的迁移量;而在Cd污染浓度相同的土壤条件下,施加石灰处理的剑麻对Cd的迁移量低于不加石灰处理;在Cd重度污染的土壤中增加石灰用量可促进剑麻的生长,表明石灰与剑麻相结合对Cd重度污染土壤具有一定的修复意义。
We had studied Cd concentration, in different parts of sisal in cropping experiments, The results were summarized as follows: The sisal growth responses were obviously different on soil Cd at varied levels from 0,0 to 100 mg/kg. At Cd levels of 50 mg/kg, the sisal could grow normally, The sisal growth was limited with the improvement of Cd contents in soils. At Cd levels of 100 mg/kg , the sisal could not grow and die, Meanwhile Cd concentration in shoots was higher than in roots. The results showed that adding lime could improve the growth of sisal effectively and inhibit the uptake of heavy metals on Cd polluted soil . However lime did not accelerate the sisal transport more Cd when soil Cd was low 50 mg/kg, when soil Cd was 100 mg/kg adding lime could effectively improve the growth of sisal,
Guangdong Agricultural Sciences