
中国澳大利亚4~5岁幼儿人格特征的跨文化研究 被引量:6

A Cross-cultural Study of Personality Traits In 4- and 5-year-old Children between China and Australia
摘要 该研究的目的是考察不同文化特质对幼儿人格形成的影响。使用幼儿人格发展教师评定问卷,以集体主义/个人主义理论范式对中澳4-5岁幼儿人格特征形成进行跨文化研究。结果表明中国幼儿具有集体主义人格倾向,澳大利亚幼儿具有个人主义人格倾向,幼儿人格形成受到文化特质的影响。 This cross - cultural study examines the impact of different cultures upon child personality formation. Using Child Personality Teachers' Assessment Questionnaire and employing collectivism/individualism theory, 4 - and 5 - year - old children titan China and Australia participated in the study. Result indicates that the personality characteristics of Chinese children are in agreement with collectivism, while those of Australian children are in agreement with individualism. Findings highlight the influence of cultural values upon child personality formation.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期76-80,共5页 Psychological Exploration
基金 辽宁省高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地科研项目(J05041)
关键词 文化特质 集体主义/个人主义 幼儿人格 culture collectivism/individualism child personality
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