

An Initial Research on the Survey Questionnaire for University Students Attending Online Games
摘要 在文献综述、访谈、开放式问卷等的基础上,自编了大学生参与网络游戏状况调查问卷,并在浙江湖州师范学院分层随机抽取812名在校大学生进行了测试.结果表明:该调查问卷的23个题目有较好的区分度;因素分析表明大学生参与网络游戏状况调查问卷可分为:大学生参与网络游戏的主要原因、积极影响、消极影响、解决沉迷网络游戏的对策四个因子;该问卷具有较高的信度和效度,可以作为调查大学生参与网络游戏状况的有效工具.  Based on literature summary,interviews and open questionnaires,the author developed a questionnaire for university students attending online games,which was tested on 812 delaminating randomly-selected university students in Zhejiang Huzhou Teachers College.The results show that the 23 items of the questionnaire have good discriminability;Factor analysis shows the survey questionnaire for university students attending online games may involve four factors:the main cause,the positive affects and the negative affects of university students attending online games,the countermeasure for the problem of the university students online games addiction;the questionnaires has high reliability and validity,and it can be used as an effective tool to survey the condition of university students attending online games.
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第4期393-396,共4页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences
基金 湖州师范学院课题资助项目(KJ19008)
关键词 网络游戏 信度 效度 Online Games Reliability Validity
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