

MorphologicaI Measurements on Sternum and Their Clinical Significance
摘要 目的:提供胸骨测量与观察的地方性资料,为临床胸骨穿刺术提供解剖学依据.方法:使用游标卡尺测量胸骨的有关数据.结果:胸骨长(137.03±20.20)mm;胸骨柄长(48.17±6.04)mm,柄最大宽(53.96±7.25)mm,柄最小宽(29.56±5.35)mm,柄厚(12.57±1.46)mm,柄前皮质厚(1.23±0.14)mm,柄后皮质厚(1.20±0.12)mm;体长(87.59±23.62)mm,体最大宽(31.67±6.57)mm,体厚(13.69±6.28)mm,体前皮质厚(1.28±0.15)mm,体后皮质厚(1.23±0.13)mm,胸骨体前软组织厚(2.04±0.46)mm.胸骨长宽指数23.1,胸骨体长宽指数36.1,胸骨体柄长指数55.0,胸骨宽厚指数42.5,胸骨长柄长指数35.2.胸骨柄体分离79例,占78.2%;带有胸骨体裂孔7例,占6.9%;带有骨性剑突10例,占9.8%.结论:本组胸骨长与柄长、体长之间有高度相关性(P<0.01).  Objective: To offer local morphological data on sternum for sternal puncture.Methods: All data were obtained with sliding caliper.Results: The length of sternum was(137.03±20.20)mm;the length of manubrium of sternum was(48.17±6.04) mm;maximum width of manubrium was(53.96±7.25)mm;minimum width of manubrium was(29.56±5.35)mm;the thickness of themanubrium was(12.57±1.46)mm;the thickness of anterior cortical bone of manubrium was(1.23±0.14)mm;the thickness of posterior cortical bone of manubrium was (1.20±0.12)mm;the lenth of body of sternum was(87.59±23.62)mm;maximum widthof body was(31.67±6.57);the thickness of the body was(13.69±6.28)mm; the thickness of anterior cortical bone of the body was(1.28±0.15)mm;the thickness of posterior cortical bone of the body was(1.23±0.13)mm;the thickness of anterior soft tissue of the body was(2.04±0.46)mm;index of length and width of sternum was 23.1;index of length and width of body of sternum was 36.1;index of length of manubrium of sternum was 55.0;index of width and thickness of sternum was 42.5;index of length of manubrium of sternum was 35.2;79 cases with separated manubrium and body of sternum,occupying 78.2%.7 cases with hiatus in body of sternum,accounting for 6.9%.10 cases with bony xiphoid process,occupying 9.8%.Conclusion: It shows that there is a high correlation between the length of the sternum and the length of manubrium and of body of stenum(P〈0.01).
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第4期439-440,共2页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences
关键词 胸骨 胸骨穿刺术 Bone Sternum Sernal puncture
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