When SINS (strap-down inertial navigation system) is combined with GPS, the observability of the course angle is weak. Although the course angle error is improved to some extent through Kalman filtering, the course angle still assumes a divergent trend. This trend is aggravated further when using low-cost and low-accuracy SINS. In order to restrain this trend, a method that uses AHRS to substitute for SINS course angle information is put forward aimed at the hardware component characteristic of the low-cost and low-accuracy SINS including AHRS (attitude and heading reference system) and IMU (inertial measurement unit), Real static and dynamic experiments show that the method can restrain the divergent trend of the navigation system angle effectively, and the positioning accuracy is high.
什么时候罪恶(捆下面惯性的航行系统) 与 GPS 被相结合,菜角度的 observability 是弱的。尽管菜角度错误通过过滤的 Kalman 被改进到某程度,菜角度仍然假定一个分叉的趋势。当使用便宜、低精确性的罪恶时,这个趋势进一步被加重。以便制止这个趋势,使用 AHRS 代替因为罪恶球场角度信息被提出的一个方法包括 AHRS (态度和标题参考系) 和 IMU (惯性的测量单位) 瞄准了便宜、低精确性的罪恶的硬件部件特征。真实静态、动态的实验证明方法能制止然后的分叉的趋势航空系统角度有效地,并且放的精确性高。