
理解专业教学力量的精神觉醒 被引量:8

Understanding the Awakening Spirit of A Professional Teaching Force
摘要 目前,全球范围的社会、经济和技术变革挑战着传统的知识和教育实践形式。为了回应这些挑战,世界各地的教育工作者致力于寻求建立新的角色、身份认同和关系。本文分析了在全球教育改革环境下教师面临的压力。通过从资深教师(有经验的教师)中搜集到的资料,本文认为在对挑战和关键事件的集体反思中,存在丰富的专业学习机会,在这些关键事件中教师的负疚感可以通过他们对个人成长和专业学习的选择而设法得到解决。通过建立追踪教师如何从滑向消极情绪中解放出来的理论框架,本文得出结论,强调了那些能够在日常专业生活中通过合作学习和利用内在力量重新发现深层价值的教师,有着内在的创造性能量。 Social, economic and technological changes on a global scale are challenging traditional forms of knowledge and educational practice. In response, educators worldwide are finding ways to forge new roles, identities and relationships. This paper recognizes pressures on the teaching force in a global climate of educational reform. Drawing on data from experienced teachers, the paper elucidates that rich opportunities for professional learning are situated in collective review of challenges and critical incidents where teachers' guilt can be addressed with the choice for personal growth and professional learning. With a framework for tracking how teachers can be liberated from downward drift to negative sentiments, the paper concludes by highlighting the creative energy inside teachers who can rediscover deep values in the realities of their everyday professional lives in a journey of co -learning and reclaiming inner power.
作者 过伟瑜
出处 《教师教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期6-12,共7页 Teacher Education Research
关键词 专业教学力量 教育改革 教学知识 实践群体 professional teaching force educational reform scholarship of teaching and learning community of practice
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