Objective To investigate the anxiety -- depression level in the patients with firstly-- diagnosed end--stage renal disease (ESRD) and its influencing factor. Methods We utilized the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) to grade 137 patients who were recently diagnosed as ESRD twice, and collected the general material of the registrations at the same time. Results We found that the number of insulted organ (out--kidney) and the middle age were the risk factors to the HADS index (P 〈~ 0.05), while sex had no obvious relevance to the HADS index. Furthermore, we found that nursing intervention could make the anxiety index drop to(10.01±0.11), and make the depression index drop to (7.85±0.36). The two indexes had statistical differences compared to those when just being admitted to hospital (P 〈 0.05). Conclusions It should be a routine to investigate the anxiety -- depression level in patients with firstly--diagnosed end--stage renal disease (ESRD), and the nursing interventions should be given to palients who have a high score of HADS. The well-- trained nurses could remarkably im- prove the anxiety -- depression level in patients with firstly- diagnosed end- stage renal disease (ESRI)).
Modern Nursing
End--stage renal disease
Hospital anxiety and depression scale