
碳热还原法合成纯相氮氧化铝粉体的研究 被引量:3

The Research of the Carbothermal Reaction Synthesis of Pure Phase Aluminum Oxynitride Powder
摘要 采用碳热还原法,利用纳米原料反应体系,并采用XRD研究合成工艺参数(碳粉的质量比、升温速率、保温时间等)对纯相氮氧化铝粉体制备的影响,在碳粉质量配比为5.6%,合成温度1800℃,保温2h时得出了纯相氮氧化铝粉体的最佳工艺条件,并利用TEM对合成纯相粉体的微观形貌进行观察。可以看出纳米原料反应体系具有制备粉体纯度高、保温时间短、反应温度低等特点。 Pure phase aluminum oxynitride powder has been synthesized by nano-sized raw material reaction system, and the influence of the synthetic parameters on the synthesis of the pure phase aluminum oxynitride powder has been investigated, such as the weight ratio of carbon, heating-rate, holding-time and so forth. At the same time, the phase and microstructure of powder were analyzed by means of XRD and TEM. The result shows that the optimal synthesis condition of pure phase aluminum oxynitride powder can be at 1800 ℃ for 2 h, with the carbon content of the raw material of 5.6wt%. Moreover, it can be found that the powder synthesized by the nano-sized raw material reaction system has the characteristics of more pure phase, lower reaction temperature and shorter holding-time.
出处 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第A01期156-158,共3页 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
基金 国防基础科研基金(A1420060200-06) 霍英东青年教师基金(91046) 四川省青年科技基金(03ZQ026-039)
关键词 碳热还原 纯相 氮氧化铝粉体 carbothermal reaction pure phase aluminum oxynitride powder
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