在PubMed主页的检索提问框中输入检索词,点击[Go]按钮后,再点击Details按钮。系统将按顺序使用MESH(MESH Translation Table)转换表、刊名转换表(Journal Translation Table)、短语表(phraselist)、著者索引(Author Index)4种表或索引,对检索词进行自动转换后再检索。Details还可以对检索策略进行修改和保存,优化检索策略,获得最佳的检索效果。
The search term is entered in the PubMed query box,then clicking [go] and Details buttons.PubMed retrieval system will display automatic translation tables in sequence as:Mesh Translation Table Journal Translation Table,Phrase List,and Author Index,the searchers will retrieve after automatic translation.Detail still save,Modify and optimize search strategie in order to obtain optimal retrieval result.