
步达生与近代中国的科学事业 被引量:2

Davidson Black and His Scientific Work in Modern China
摘要 步达生是加拿大解剖学家与人类学家。1919年来到中国,他与安特生等合作,调查、收集与研究了沙锅屯、仰韶等地的人骨材料。1926年周口店人类牙齿化石的发现使他与周口店结下不解之缘,从此他组织领导了周口店的发掘研究工作,正式命名"北京人",参与相关课题的研究。他的学术活动奠定了中国古人类学的基础,促成了中国考古学的形成与发展。步达生知识广博、善于合作,为科学勇于献身,并为中国培养了一批古人类学和旧石器考古人才。 Davidson Black is the anatomist and anthropologist of Canada. In 1919, he came to China, He hall a cooperation with Andersson and etc. and made a survey, collection and research of Shaguotun, Yangshao and others' skeletons, In 1926, the discovery of the fossil of the human tooth in Zhoukoudian made him have a deep touch with Zhoukoudian. Later, he began to organize Zhoukoudian's excavation and research works, name it as"Sinanthropus pekinensis" and make some relevant research. His academic activities established the basis of Chinese ancient Anthropology and helped to bring about the formation and development of Chinese archaeology. Black had extensive knowledge and friendly cooperation and dedicated his life to the science. He also cultivated some qualified people of ancient anthropology and paleolithic archaeology for China.
作者 钱益汇
出处 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期55-60,共6页 Qilu Journal
关键词 步达生 周口店 北京人 古人类学 旧石器考古 Davidson Black Zhoukoudian Sinanthropus Ancient Authropology Paleolithic Archaeology
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