
超越八国集团的全球治理:高峰会议机制的改革前景 被引量:13

Global Governance beyond the G8:Reform Prospects for the Summit Architecture
摘要 作为西方主要国家最重要的非正式会晤机制,八国集团高峰会议长期以来一直在全球政治经济事务中发挥着关键作用。但随着新兴发展中国家经济实力(如中国、印度、巴西、南非等)的迅速发展和日益强大,世界权力结构正在经历着一场历史性变革,其根本特征之一就是西方工业化国家自18世纪末工业革命时期起取得的绝对优势地位已经不复存在。全球权力结构的变化必然要求全球治理机制做出相应的调整和改革。作者重点考察了当前八国集团高峰会议机制在协调世界经济政策以及应对其他全球性事务方面面临的严峻挑战,并详细讨论了各种不同的改革方案。作者指出,为了解决当前全球面临的各种严峻威胁(暴力冲突、恐怖主义、贫困问题、环境破坏、传染疾病等等),应该让经过改革后的联合国成为全球治理体系的核心,这是未来建立有效和公正的多边主义体制的关键所在。 As the most important informal gathering mechanism of the leading Western states, the G8 summit has played a key role in international political and economic affairs. However, with the rapid growth of the developing states in the South, particularly China, India, Brazil, and South Africa, the constellation of global power is experiencing a historical change featured by the inevitable decline of the supremacy of the West. The changes in the international power structure strongly require adjustments and reforms in global governance. The author reviews the crucial challenges facing the G8 summit mechanism for coordinating international political and economic affairs in today’s world and discusses current reform alternatives on the basis of both their merits and their weaknesses. The author concludes that the reform of the United Nations as the core of the global governance system is a central requirement for an effective and equitable future multilateralism.
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第9期55-61,共7页 World Economics and Politics
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  • 6Injoo Sohn,“Asian Financial Cooperation: The Problem of Legitimacy in Global Financial Governance,” Global Governance Ⅱ, 2005, pp. 487 - 504.
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