
冠心病性别特点和冠状动脉支架术后随访 被引量:4

Gender characteristics of coronary artery disease and follow-up of coronary stenting
摘要 目的研究女性冠心病的临床特点和冠状动脉支架术后的长期随访结果。方法对比分析52例女性与215例男性冠心病的临床特点、冠状动脉造影所见和冠状动脉支架术后长期随访结果。结果女组年龄(64±6)岁高于男组(58±9)岁;女组收缩压(164±26)mmHg高于男组(144±27)mmHg;女组总胆固醇(5.1±0.5)mmol/L高于男组(4.6±1.0)mmol/L;女组心胸比0.52±0.08高于男组0.49±0.08;女组高血压病史82.7%高于男组49.3%;女组伴有非心血管病比例78.8%高于男组41.4%;女组有心肌梗死病史的比例11.5%低于男组31.2%;女组有吸烟史的比例1.9%低于男组65.1%。以上组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在随访期内,两组在术后死亡、主要心血管不良事件、生活质量方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论女性冠心病病人的年龄较大,并存疾病较多,冠状动脉支架术后的随访结果表明疗效满意。 Objectives To study the sex characteristics of coronary artery disease and follow-up of coronary stenting. Methods Consecutive 267 patients with coronary artery disease were involved in our study, including 52 women and 215 men. The data were analyzed in clinical characteristics, coronary angiographic characteristics, short-and long-outcomes after coronary stenting. Results The age was (64±6) years in women, (58±9) years in men (P〈0.001) ; systolic pressure was (164±26) mm Hg in women, (144±27) mm Hg in men (P〈0.001), cholesterol (5.1±0.5) mmol/L in women, (4.6±1.0) mmol/L in men (P〈0.001) ; cardiothoracic ratio, 0.52±0.08 in women, 0.49±0.08 in men (P〈0.05). The proportions of hypertension and comorbidity were higher in women than those in men. The proportions of myocardial infarction and smoking in women were significantly lower than those in men. The proportions of major adverse cardiac events and life quality were not significantly different between women and men (P〉0.05). Conclusions The age of women with coronary artery disease is older than that of men and have higher comorbidity. Long-term outcomes are more satisfactory after coronary stenting in women.
出处 《岭南心血管病杂志》 2007年第2期106-108,共3页 South China Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases
关键词 冠状动脉支架 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 女性 随访 Coronary stenting Coronary artery disease Women Follow-up
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