
人类学习的特点:当代美国教育人类学的视角 被引量:2

Features of Human Learning:The Angle of View from Contemporary Education Anthropology in America
摘要 在关注多样性文化传习的教育人类学范式方面,美国较为发达。美国从20世纪60年代开始重视与心理学互动,研究文化与认知;70年代调查多样性学习,论证人类学习的社会建构性机制;80年代明确学习人类学概念,增强研究的深度感和时代感;世纪之交,莱夫等人提出情境学习理论,产生了跨学科影响。该学科有关理论和研究方法具有重要的现实意义。 The educational anthropology (EA) paradigm that focuses on the transmision and accquisition of culture has developed best in USA. Based upon the interaction with psychology, the EA of the USA began the study of culture and cognition in 1960s. The mechanism of social construction of human learning was expounded by investigating dirvirse learning events in 1970s. The concept of anthropology of learning started to be clear and the EA did more in-depth work and studied the up-dated topics in 1980s. At the turn of last century,Lave put forward the situated learning theory which infuenced cross-disciplinarily. Both the theory and methodology are of great significance.
作者 常永才
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第8期41-44,共4页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划课题"民族地区农村初中生的学习人类学研究"(课题批准号:CMA060256)
关键词 学习 人类学方法 情境学习 理论意义 美国 learning anthropological approach situated learning theoretical significance USA
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