5United States International Trade Commission (USITC), "U. S.-Korea FTA= The Economic Impact of Establishing a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the United States and the Republic of Korea", Investigation No. 332-425. USITC Publication 3452, September 2001 (Washington D. C. : United States International Trade Commission, 2001).
6Choi lnbom and Jeffrey J. Schott, Free Trade between Korea and the United States? (Washington D. C. : Institute for International Economics, 2001), pp. 47-61.
7Kozo Kiyota and Robert M. Stern, "Economic Effects of a Korea-U. S. Free Trade Agreement", in Korea Economic Institute of America, Special Studies Series 4, 2007.
8Lee Junkyu and Lee Hong-shik, Feasibility and Economic Effects of a Korea-U. S. FTA (Seoul: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, 2005).
9Claude Barfield, Korea in Asia: Korea's Development, Asian Regionalism and U. S. -Korea Economic Relations (Washington D.C. :Korea Economic Institute, 2003), p. 1.
10Barfield, Korea in Asia: Korea's Development, Asian Regionalism and U. S. -Korea Economic Relations, p. 8.