2007年7月18日至21日,在美国著名城市拉斯维加斯的会展中心大厅内机器轰鸣,万众云集,人们似乎置身于一座巨大的工厂。这里正在举行两年一次的美国木工家具供应商协会(AWFS,The Association 0f Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers)主办的2007美国木工机械及材料展。AWFS成立于1911年,是美国木工机械及材料行业最大的行业协会,它的宗旨是将最有价值的展销会引进木工机械及材料行业,强化本行业职业教育,建立起一个密切合作的行业联盟,从而在有关市场的公共政策上取得强有力的发言权。AWFS从1975年开始举办展销会,后来定为每两年一次,逢单年举行。展销会将来自北美及世界各地的木工机械及材料制造商和买家聚合在一起,进行本行业市场方面最新技术的交流及产品、服务的交易。本届展会适逢AWFS举办展会50周年庆典,是其历史上规模最大的一次盛会,展台面积达45350m^2,参展商近1000家,买家突破两万人之多。
Founded in 1911, the Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers (AWFS) is the largest trade association in the United States representing companies that supply the home and commercial fumishings industry, Its primary goal are: to offer the most valuable tradeshow to the industry; to strength trade education; and build a cohesive industry wide coalition to create an effective voice on public policy issues affecting the market. The AWFS Fair is a biennial tradeshow in which buyers and manufactuerers gather from around the world to buy and sell the latest products and services related to the wood and home surnishings markets. The 2007 Fair is the largest one in AWFS history with 500,000 net sq ft of exhibit spaces (45,350sq meters), over 900 exhibitors and 20.000 buyers.
Furniture & Interior Design