
生长期骨量与不同冲击力运动的关系 被引量:5

Bone mineral density in growing period associated with exercise of different impacts
摘要 目的:总结近年来国内外关于不同冲击力运动方式对生长期骨量累计的研究状况,比较不同运动方式对生长期骨量累计的作用,为促进青少年时期骨量的的增加,改善骨骼质量和预防老年性骨质疏松运动处方的优化提供依据。资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline,EBSCO全文数据库,1980-01/2006-06关于运动与生长期骨量的研究文献,检索词"exercise,growing,bone",限定语言种类为English。资料选择:对资料进行初审,选取包含对生长期进行运动干预的文献。纳入标准:①生长期的人体和动物研究。②有突出特点的运动方式的干预。排除综述文献。资料选择:共收集文献62篇,纳入符合标准的文献为34篇。资料综合:①动力性运动负荷对骨量累积的促进作用大于静力性运动负荷。②在骨对运动的适应的研究中,有学者根据体质量对骨的作用把运动分为负重运动和非负重运动。基于外力作用的性质,又将运动分为冲击运动和无冲击运动,前者包括负重运动和执拍运动,后者即为非负重运动。③对不同项目运动员骨量累积、运动员与普通人群的比较以及对在校生长期少年儿童进行不同方式运动干预的研究,认为抗体质量运动对骨量累积的促进作用大于非抗体质量运动,高冲击力运动促骨形成作用大于低冲击力的运动。④各种方式动物实验的结果提示适宜的跑台和游泳运动对受力部位的骨形成均有促进作用,高冲击力运动的成骨作用较强。结论:运动是有效预防骨质疏松的主要方法之一,这一观点已被广泛接受,尤其是在生长期进行运动提高峰值骨量是近十多年来极受关注的问题,但不同的运动方式对生长期骨量累积的作用不同。为了全面提高少年儿童的骨量累计,为儿童少年推荐的体育运动应包含产生高冲击力动作的多样化的运动。 OBJECTIVE: To review the researches on the effect of exercise with different impacts on the bone mineral density in growing period at home and abroad, and to optimize the exercise mode which would improve the skeletal quality of adolescents and reduce the risk of senile osteoporosis. DATA SOURCES: Articles dated between January 1980 and June 2006 with the keywords "exercise, growing, bone" were searched in two computerized online databases, namely, Medline, and EBSCO database. STUDY SELECTION: The data were primarily selected, and only those articles that contained ①studies on growing man and animal, and ②intervention of particular exercise mode were included. The review articles were eliminated. DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 62 papers were collected, and 34 accorded with the criteria were included. DATA SYNTHESIS: ①Dynamic exercise loads show greater promotion to the bone mineral density than static loads. ②In the adaptability of bone to exercise, some scholars divide the exercise into weight loading exercise and non-weight loading exercise according to the effect of body mass on bone, and divide into impact exercise and non-impact exercise according to external force, ③ The impact exercise includes weight loading exercise and grip exercise, and the non-impact exercise is equal to non-weight loading exercise,The studies on the bone mineral density by different physical activities, comparison between athletes and normal population, and intervention to the juvenile in school by various exercise models for a long term suggest that body mass-bearing exercise and high impact exercise have more osteogenetic effects than non-body mass-bearing exercise and low impact exercise. ④The results of animal experiments indicate that appropriate platform and swimming could promote osteogenesis in force-bearing sites, and high impact exercise has strong osteogenetic effect, CONCLUSION: It is known that physical activity is an important way to prevent osteoporosis, It has been the focus in recent decades that the physical exercise in growing period could improve the peak value of bone mass, But different exercise styles show different effects on bone mineral density, To improve the bone mass accumulation of adolescents comprehensively, the exercise should contain various programs including high impact loads,
作者 房冬梅
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第36期7248-7251,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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