
通过团体咨询提升高中女生自我概念的个案研究 被引量:1

Case study on improving the self-concept of senior female students through group therapy
摘要 目的:通过团体咨询的方法,对高中阶段的女生进行了个案性的分析,以探索如何促进高中女生自我概念发展的方法,并引入情绪变量,以探索自我概念的发展与情绪的关系。方法:于2005-05/06月开展团体咨询,并于2005-09进行追踪,选取了6名学业超常高中女生,智商120以下2名,120~130者2名,>130者2名。对参与者进行团体咨询,最初进行集体访谈和个别访谈,了解她们对自我的认识,以及她们期望的训练方法和训练内容,并进行了训练前的情感量表的测查。设计了5次团体心理咨询活动,共持续了两周,活动结束后,请成员进行第2次情感量表、自尊量表和自我描述问卷Ⅱ的测查。并匿名填写了《团体咨询效果评价问卷》。咨询结束后要求成员继续进行两周的"情绪管理日记",并第3次情感量表和自尊量表的测查。①自尊量表,共10道测题。②自我描述问卷Ⅱ,用于测定中学阶段儿童自我概念的量表,102道测题,构成11个分量表。③情感量表,用于测量一般人群的心理满意程度,10个项目,正性情感项目回答为"是"记1分,负性情感项目回答为"否"记1分,情感平衡计分是正性情感分减去负性情感分,再加一个系数5,其得分为1~9分。④自编咨询效果问卷,就咨询的效果进行匿名的评价。⑤情绪自我管理日记。按照9个问题,每天记录两次。分析自我概念的发展与情绪的关系。结果:①团体咨询之后自我描述问卷各个分量表得分均高与咨询前。5位初始自尊得分较低的成员在第2次测验时升高,第3次测验有部分成员得分稍低于第2次,但仍然高于第1次得分,3次测验的均数逐渐增加。②各个成员正性情感得分第2次测量较咨询前增高或不变,第3次测量得分有2位低于第1次测量;咨询结束后两次测量负性情感得分均降低或不变,咨询后情感平衡得分均增高(1名保持不变)。咨询后正性情感和情感平衡3次测量的平均数均高于咨询前,负性情感得分则相反。③成员认为学到了以前没有渠道可以了解的关于自我的内容、自我情绪管理的方法以及人际交往的技巧,觉得自己在生活中会继续运用这些方法和技巧,愿意不断"自我完善"。④比较咨询期间和咨询结束的第2周的日记,每日第1次记录时,情绪描述词积极情绪词个数基本保持不变或有所增加,由于咨询结束后第2周即将面临期中考试,第2周后半周消极情绪描述词如"郁闷、烦躁、失望"等较多,原因是由于考试靠近,但是其中3名成员每天对自我的综合满意度分数仍持上升趋势,并且所有成员都在日记中表示会通过自身努力和自我激励来摆脱不良的情绪状态。结论:通过团体咨询设计的活动,参与者在自我概念和自尊测验上的分数均得以提高,全体成员对本次咨询持肯定态度。科学设计的团体咨询活动的方式,借助情绪与自我的互动,可以提升高中女生的自我概念。 AIM: To explore the effective method to improve the self-concept of senior female students using group therapy and case studies, and introduce the variable of emotion to discover the relationship between the development of self-concept and emotion. METHODS: The consultation was conducted in groups from May to June 2005, and the follow-up was performed in September 2005. Six academically gifted senior students, including 2 students with the IQ below 120, 2 students with IQ ranged 120-130, and 2 students above 130 were selected. A focus group discussion and one to one interview were carried out to acquire the self-knowledge of the participants and their expecting methods and contents about training. Besides, pretest of SDQ- Ⅱ, SES and PAS & NAS, etc. were conducted. Five activities were designed for group therapy, which lasted for 2 weeks. Subjects fulfilled the post-test of SES and PAS & NAS etc., and the subjects filled a questionnaire of evaluation on effectiveness of group therapy anonymously, and then was the Emotional Management Diary for 2 more weeks and the follow-up tests in SES and Emotion Scale for 3 times. ① SES was composed of 10 items. ② SDQ-Ⅱwas composed of 102 items and 11 subscales, and it was used to test the self-concept of middJe school students. ③ PAS & NAS, composing by 10 items, was used to measure the psychological satisfaction of the subjects. A "yes" for positive emotion scored one point, and a "no" for negative emotion scored one point. Balanced emotional score could be obtained by plus 5 after subtract the score of negative emotion from that of positive emotion, which shall be ranged from one point to nine points. ④ Questionnaire of Evaluation on the effectiveness of the group therapy was an anonymous evaluation of the group therapy. ⑤ Emotional Management Diary, following 9 questions to record the emotion events and experiences twice per day for the purpose of analyze the relationship between the development of self-concept and emotion. RESULTS: ① The scores in SDQ- Ⅱ increased in the post-test; The score of 5 participants with low primary self-concept scores increased in the second test, while the scores of some subjects decreased in the third test in comparison to those in the second test, but they were still higher than those in the first test. However, the mean score increased for the whole group. ② The scores in positive emotion in the second test increased or did not change in comparison with those before consultation, while 2 participants decreased in the second post-test; and scores on NAS decreased or unchanged. However, the balance emotional scores increased except one participant unchanged. The mean score of PAS increased, whereas mean NAS scores decreased.③The participants expressed that they knew better about the self as well as the method of self emotional regulation and interpersonal skills through the group therapy, and they would keep practicing this methods and skills in real life. ④ Comparison in Emotional Management Diary between the period of therapy and the second week after that showed that the amount of positive emotional words increased or unchanged, and negative emotional words increased at the late days of the week because of the final exams coming. However, 3 of the participants kept increasing the positive evaluation on self, and all of the participants had a positive attitude towards their self-capability to face with the negative emotional states. CONCLUSION: Participants increase their scores beth in SDQ- Ⅱ and SES by group therapy, and all of them hold a positive attitude towards the activities and its effectiveness of the group therapy. Thus, well-designed group therapy, with an interaction between self and emotion, can improve the self-concept of senior female students.
作者 苏雪云
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第39期7803-7806,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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