
法官工作倦怠调查 被引量:3

Investigation on the job burnout of judges
摘要 目的:调查法官工作倦怠现状。方法:于2005-11采用整群抽样法随机抽取400名河南省安阳地区法官进行问卷调查,所有调查对象均知情同意。调查被试的一般情况,并采用中式工作倦怠量表进行工作倦怠程度评估,量表包括3个因素,分别为情绪耗竭、人格解体、成就感降低,每个因素满分均为35分,总分越高,说明倦怠程度越严重。以情绪耗竭分数>25、人格解体分数>11、成就感降低分数>16为标准,将在工作倦怠的3个因素中,任何1个因素得分高于临界值的被试界定为轻度倦怠者,在2个因素上得分高于临界值的被试界定为中度倦怠者,将在3个因素上得分高于临界值的被试界定为高度倦怠者。以法院为单位匿名施测。结果:收回内容详实问卷247份,有效率为61.8%。①247名调查对象中男162人,女85人;已婚224人,未婚23人;20 ̄30岁48人,31 ̄40岁114人,41 ̄50岁68人,50岁以上的17人;文化程度:大专及以下42人,本科192人,研究生13人。②法官情绪耗竭、人格解体、成就感降低的检出率分别为21.9%,50.2%及40.1%;法官轻度、中度、高度工作倦怠的检出率分别为34.4%,29.1%及6.4%。③在年龄、性别、受教育程度和婚姻状况上,法官的工作倦怠只在年龄上差异有显著性意义(P<0.05 ̄0.01)。31 ̄40岁法官的情绪耗竭得分显著高于20 ̄30岁和50岁以上者(F=1.886,P<0.05);人格解体层面上,50岁以上的法官显著高于50岁以下的法官(F=2.487,P<0.05);成就感降低层面上,20 ̄40岁的法官显著高于40岁以上的法官(F=3.827,P<0.01)。结论:法官的工作倦怠程度较高,应对年长法官的情绪耗竭和人格解体方面,年轻法官的成就感降低方面进行重点干预。 AIM: To study the job bumout of judges. METHODS: 400 judges from Anyang area of Henan province were randomly selected and investigated by cluster sampling in November 2005. All the subjects knew the facts and agreed to join the investigation. General condition of subjects was surveyed. Job burnout was assessed by Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory, which included 3 factors, namely emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of personal accomplishment. Full mark of each factor was 35 points. The higher the full mark, the severer the job bumout was. The criterion was over 25 points of emotional exhaustion, over 11 points of depersonalization and over 16 points of reduction of personal accomplishment. Among the 3 factors, score of any one factor higher than the criticel value represented as mild burnout, scores of two factors higher than the criticel value represented as moderate burnout, and scores of three factors higher than the criticel value represented as severe bumout. The investigation was performed-anonymously in court of justice. RESULTS: 247 questionnaires with detailed content were retrieved, with the effective rate of 61.8%. ①Among the 247 subjects, there were 162 males and 85 females, 224 married subjects and 23 non-married subjects, 48 subjects aged 20-30 years, 114 subjects aged 31-40 years, 68 subjects aged 41-50 years, 17 subjects aged over 50 years, 42 subjects with junior college and lower, 192 subjects with college graduate and 13 postgraduates.②The ratio of judges who had emotional exhaustion was 21.9%, the one of who had depersonalization was 50.2% ,and the one of who had reduction of personal accomplishment was 40.1%. The ratio of judges who were diagnosed as having mild job bumout was 34.4%, the ratio of judges who were diagnosed as having moderate job bumout was 29.1%, and the ratio of judges who were diagnosed as having severe job bumout was 6.4%. ③As far as age, gender, educational degree and martial status were concemed, the job bumout only showed significant difference on age(P 〈 0.05-0.01 ). On the dimension of emotional exhaustion, the score of judges between 31 and 40 was significantly higher than those of judges who were from 20 to 30 and who were older than 50 (F=1.886,P〈 0.05); On depersonalization, the score of judges who were older than 50 was significantly higher than those of judges who were younger than 50 (F =2.487, P 〈 0.05); On reduction of personal accomplishment, the score of judges from 20 to 40 was significantly higher than those of judges' who were older than 40(F=3.827,P〈 0.01 ). CONCLUSION: The job bumout of judges is high; we should pay more attention to older judges' emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and younger judges' reduction of personal accomplishment, and intervene them.
作者 侯祎 李永鑫
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第39期7869-7871,共3页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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