
Strategic Balance in the Asia-Pacific Region

Strategic Balance in the Asia-Pacific Region
摘要 The authors analyze events in the Asia-Pacific region since the end of the Cold War and then draw three conclusions about the strategic balance of "one superpower,multiple major powers" in this region.First,compared with a stable superpower,the U.S.,current multiple powers—China,Japan,Russia,ASEAN,India and Australia — are more dynamic.Second,two kinds of forces maintain order—a combination of national strength and non-national strength.On one hand,there are four different models which could ensure Asia-Pacific order in the future:the U.S.model of hegemony,China's model of a harmonious Asia-Pacific region,ASEAN's model of regional cooperation,and the model of non-states actors.On the other hand,four different structures—security,production,finance and knowledge—are closely linked in this area.Third,globalization of the market economy brings dynamic and diverse development.The authors believe that China's "Harmonious Asia-Pacific" model is the best choice for the Asia-Pacific strategic pattern of "One superpower,multiple major powers." The authors analyze events in the Asia-Pacific region since the end of the Cold War and then draw three conclusions about the strategic balance of "one superpower, multiple major powers" in this region. First, compared with a stable superpower, the U.S., current multiple powers---China, Japan, Russia, ASEAN, India and Australia--are more dynamic. Second, two kinds of forces maintain order----a combination of national strength and non-national strength. On one hand, there are four different models which could ensure Asia-Pacific order in the future: the U.S. model of hegemony, China's model of a harmonious Asia-Pacific region, ASEAN's model of regional cooperation, and the model of non-states actors. On the other hand, four different structures--security, production, finance and knowledge--are closely linked in this area. Third, globalization of the market economy brings dynamic and diverse development. The authors believe that China 's "Harmonious Asia-Pacific" model is the best choice for the Asia-Pacific strategic pattern of "One superpower, multiple major powers. "
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2007年第4期13-26,共14页 现代国际关系(英文版)
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