

Hyperelastic Behavior and Deformation of Artificial Intervertebral Disc
摘要 为了分析人工生物材料的基本性能,并了解人工生物材料在人体环境中的实际工作状态,建立了人工椎间盘的平面应变超弹性力学模型,包括上下骨板、外环和中间核3部分;研究了在拉、压、剪切作用下人工椎间盘的超弹性变形和应力-应变关系.研究结果表明,超弹性力学模型能很好地模拟人工椎间盘的非线性载荷-位移曲线和应力-位移曲线. In order to analyze the basic performance of artificial work state in the human environment, a hyperelastic plan-strain consists of end-plates, annulus and nucleus is developed. The biomedical material and study their model of artificial intervertebral disc hyperelastic deformation of artificial actual which intervertebral disc under the loadings of extension, pressure and shearing force are investigated. The nonlinear load-displacement curves and the stress-displacement curves of the artificial intervertebral disc are obtained. It is shown that the nonlinear behavior of the artificial intervertebral disc can be simulated by the hyperelastic model.
作者 杨庆生 许芳
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期796-801,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(30470439) 北京市优秀人才专项基金(20041A0501517)
关键词 人工椎间盘 超弹性 有限变形 平面应变 应力-应变关系 artificial intervertebral disc hyperelastic finite deformation plain-strain stress-strain relations
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