
汉、英双语者句子理解策略的迁移 被引量:9

Transfer of sentence processing strategies for Chinese-English bilinguals
摘要 竞争模型框架下的实证研究发现,双语者两种语言的理解机制既可能是母语的理解机制,也可能是目标语的理解机制,或两者合成,或两者分离。导致这种分歧的原因有二:一是没有把生命性线索分解为纯生命性线索和论元特征满足度线索;二是没有意识到不同的线索可能存在不同的迁移模式。本研究的两个实验发现,如果把生命性线索分解为纯生命性和论元特征满足度线索,不同的线索在双语者句子理解中便出现了不同的迁移模式。本文认为,从线索可选值的离散性或连续性的角度以及英语词序的特殊性角度出发,可以对这些迁移模式做出初步的解释。 Studies within the Competition Model have attested four possible patterns of processing strategies in bilingual sentence processing: bilinguals may use native language strategies for both languages, or target language strategies for both languages, or a combination of the two for both languages, or native language strategies for their L1 and target language strategies for their L2. Two factors may have led to the inconclusive findings: 1) the animacy cue in classical Competition Model studies is in fact a composite cue, which can be decomposed into an argument specification satisfaction cue and an animacy per se cue; and 2) there may be different transfer patterns for different cues in bilingual sentence processing. The present study found that when the animacy cue was decomposed, different transfer patterns were observed for different cues. Working accounts were provided for these transfer patterns.
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期251-261,共11页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目(02JAZJD40022) "十五"规划青年基金项目(01JC740001)资助。
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