
图书馆电子文献联盟采购主题研究综述 被引量:2

Review of Research on Library Consortium Purchase of Electronic Documents
摘要 通过对电子文献联盟采购主题研究的概述,简析了联盟采购中的组织模式、采购模式、资源共享模式、集团内的利益问题,以及在采购中与生产者的合作和需兼顾的长远方针。目的在于给参加电子文献联盟采购成员和从事该主题研究者一些相关参考。 This paper has discussed the theme of library consortium purchase of electronic document, analyzed the organizational pattern, the purchase pattern and the pattern of resource sharing of consortium purchase, and the aggregative interest. In addition, it has also described the tong-term guidelines, which the library consortium must abide by when the league cooperates with the producers. This purpose of the paper is to provide reference to the buyers and the relevant researchers.
作者 刘红兰
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2007年第9期14-17,29,共5页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
关键词 电子文献 联盟采购 electronic document consortium purchase
  • 引文网络
  • 相关文献



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