
重金属离子Cd Hg Pb在鳗鱼体内残留规律研究 被引量:4

Studies on Accumulation and Elimination of Cd、Hg and Pb in Japanese Eels
摘要 研究了0.005、0.05、0.10和0.15/mg/L四种不同浓度的Cd与0.10mg/LPb,0.05mg/LHg在日本鳗鱼肝脏、腮、鱼血和鱼肉的残留规律。分别将鳗鱼暴露于上述浓度的重金属35 d后再用清水喂养43 d,考察鳗鱼对该三种重金属的吸收和清除规律。结果显示三种重金属在鳗鱼体内富集能力依次是Hg>Pb>Cd。Cd在鳗鱼组织中蓄积顺序为肝脏>腮>鱼肉>血。鳗鱼体内Cd的吸收量与其暴露浓度呈正相关,停止暴露后Cd由其他组织向肝脏转移,可导致肝脏Cd负担持续增大。0.15mg/L浓度的Cd可使鳗鱼产生急性和亚急性中毒症状。鳗鱼组织中Hg和Pb蓄积顺序为腮>肝脏>鱼肉>血。鱼肉中两种重金属消除速度非常缓慢。 The biological accumulation and residual of Cd,Hg and Pb in Japanese eels was studied. Accumulation and elimination rule of three heavy metals were evaluated by the determination of concentration in the liver ,gills, blood and mussles by exposing eels to 0.005mg/L,0.05mg/L,0.1mg/L,0.15mg/L Cd,0.10mg/L Pb and 0.05mg/L Hg during 35 days following up with 43 days in tap water. The accumulation order of the three metals were Hg〉Pb〉Cd.The accumulation order of Cd in tissues of eel was,whereas the Pb and Hg weie gills〉liver〉mussle〉blood. The burden of Cd in liver was elevating consistently with Cd transferring from other tissues during eliminating phase.The accumulation of Cd were correlation with concentration of Cd exposed. Acute or subacute symptoms appeared after exposing eels to Cd of 0.15mg/ L group. The declining rate of Hg and Pb weie rather slow in mussle of eel during elimination period.
出处 《科技通报》 2007年第5期689-692,共4页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
基金 广东检验检疫科研项目(GDK04-2002)
关键词 重金属 CD HG PB 鳗鱼 残留 heavy meatal Cd H Pb Eel Residual
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