In regard to the problem on the relations between Chinese culture and the western cultures that have perplexed the Chinese for a long time, Hu Shi maintain that the fundamental problems are how can we Chinese feel at ease in this new world which at first sight appears to be so much at variance with what we have long regarded as our own civilization? How can we best assimilate the new civilization of the modern world in such a manner as to make it congenial and congruous and continuous with the civilization of our own making? Hu Shi points out, human civilizations are basically very the same and can be learned from each other. Thus, there is no such big difference between the oriental and occidental civilization as the former is a spiritual civilization and the latter is a material one. Hu Shi emphasize that free choice and each takes what it needs is the normal state of cultural exchange.Every culture has its basic conserativeness, i.e.cuhural bedrock,which in fact is the numberless people. Basing on this cognition, we can handle the relations between Chinese culture and the world new culture with an open mind, resolve various erplexities and problems confronted with us in the modern cultural transformation.
Historical Research In Anhui
Chinese culture
the world new culture
cultural bedrock
open cultural mind