
钕玻璃的温敏特性及光纤温度传感器 被引量:2

The properties of Nd^(3+) doped glass temperature and optical fibre temperature sensor
摘要 本文从理论上通过对钕玻璃中Nd~(3+)离子光吸收特性的分析,阐明了其光吸收对温度依从性的原因.在实验中,试制了几种不同类型的钕玻璃光纤温度传感探头.对Nd~(3+)离子光吸收的温度特性进行了验证,其结果和理论分析相一致,实验表明钕玻璃是一种性能良好的光纤温敏传感材料. The absorption of Nd3+ doped glass is analysed on theory and indicates the reason of temperature dependent absorption of Nd3+. In experiment, the severeal kinds of probe with Nd3+ doped glass core are made. The experimental results agree with theory analysis. The results demonstrate that Nd3+ doped glass is one of superior temperature sensing material.
机构地区 安徽大学物理系
出处 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第2期178-182,共5页 Acta Optica Sinica
关键词 钕玻璃 光纤 温度 传感器 Nd3+ doped glass optical fibre sensor.
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  • 2陈述春,物理学报,1980年,29卷,1期,54页


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