通过预臭氧和生物活性炭工艺对饮用水进行深度处理研究,结果证明:该工艺对CODMn、UV254、三卤甲烷生成势(THMFP)、藻类和浊度的平均去除率分别为46.5%、46.5%、45.6%、91.2%和98%,最终出水浊度达到0.2NTU,CODMn≤3 mg/L,提高了饮用水的安全性。
This study was preozonation and BAC process for advanced treatment drinking water, Results indicated: total removal rate of the process was averaged at 46.5%, 46.5%, 45.6%, 91.2% and 98% respectively for CODMn, UV254, THMFP, alga and turbidity., The turbidity of last treatment water was 0.2NTU, CODMn ≤ 3 mg/L, The safety of drinking water was improved.
Energy Environmental Protection