

Correction technology of the position angles of linear motors based on MRAC method
摘要 分析了直线电机的位置角度误差对直线电机的输出电流的影响;为了消除直线电机的位置角度误差,作者在基于模型参考自适应控制方法的基础上设计了一套直线电机的位置角度校正系统.由于该校正系统中的位置角度误差补偿器采用不受位置角度影响的输入量对位置角度进行校正,所以可以在现有位置角度测量的基础上实现对位置角度的准确校正,为在现有直线电机和低精度光栅尺的情况下获得尽可能高的控制精度提供了保证.仿真和实验结果显示,采用位置角度校正后,直线电机可以实现对力矩电流的精确控制,而且位置角度误差能够被校正. The effect of position angle errors of linear motors to output currents is analyzed in this paper. In order to alleviate the position angle errors, a position angle correction system is designed based on model reference adaptive control method. In the correction system, position angle errors are corrected by a position angle error compensator that does not use input parameters influenced by position angles. Therefore, the detected position angles by linear position encoders can be corrected precisely. This technology ensures that higher control precision could be achieved on the conditions of present linear motors and low-precision linear encoders. Simulation and experimental results show that currents of a linear motor can be controlled precisely and position angle errors can be compensated through using the position angle correction system.
出处 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期687-691,共5页 Control Theory & Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(60474021).
关键词 直线电机 MRAC 位置角度 电流控制 linear motor MRAC position angle current control
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