
模拟高住低练对女子足球运动员运动能力影响的研究 被引量:1

Research on Effect of Simulated Live High Train Low Hypothesis on Physical Performance Ability of Female-Soccer Players
摘要 模拟高原训练方法之一的低氧屋有其独特的运动训练功能,通过观察用低氧屋间歇性常压低氧居住对女子足球运动员的运动能力的影响,发现:长期间歇性低氧居住可以提高女子足球运动员的运动能力,从一定程度来讲是低氧居住刺激RBC、Hb产生,血液携氧能力增加,最大摄氧量提高所致。 Normobaric hypoxia rooms, simulation of high altitude training, has inimitable effect on sports training. This paper investigates the influence of intermittent hypoxic habitation using normobaric hypoxia rooms on sports performance in female soccer players. The result shows that a long - term intermittent hypoxic habitation improves female- soccer players' sports performance, partly dependent on the stimulated production of RBC and Hb, the increases of haematological changes and VO2max
作者 潘华山
出处 《军事体育进修学院学报》 2007年第3期61-64,共4页 Journal of Pla Institute of Physical Education
关键词 低氧 间歇性 足球 高原训练 hypoxia intermittent soccer high altitude training
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