根据油田井下作业的实际需要,研制了一种油管长度在线连续测量仪。该测量仪由工业计算机PLC、文本显示器、旋转光电编码器、油管井口扶正器、检测开始/结束传感器、24 V直流稳压电源等组成。现场应用表明,成功解决了现场油管测量存在的精度低、劳动强度大、生产效率低下等问题,具有技术先进、性能稳定、可操作性强、携带方便等优点,推广应用前景广阔。
According to the practical requirement, a continuative tubing length measuring device is developed. The device consists of industrial PLC, display, rotary photoelectricity coder, tubing bushing, on/off detector, and 24V DC power. The on-site application shows that it solves problems of low accuracy, high laboring, and low productivity. It possesses advanced tech, stable performance, good operation ability, and easy to carry. It has wide application market.
Oil Field Equipment