
沙棘果采收后的管理及营养价值研究 被引量:1

Studies on Post Harvest Management and Value Addition in Seabuckthorn(Hippopheae rhamnoides L.)
摘要 沙棘(Hippopheae rhamnoides L.)是生长在高寒干旱地区的一种具有广阔开发前景的植物。因为它的药用价值,美容功效及保健作用,所以有很高的商业价值。这种小型的浆果极易腐坏,由于很酸所以不能在采摘后立即食用。因此,加工程序的研究是现在的当务之急,以确保能尽快地科学开发它的食用价值。1996年,印度Leh地区在实地研究实验室里首次完成了果实质量参数的评定、沙棘汁的提取和果实存储的研究。不同品种沙棘价值的合理利用技术将会标准化。 Abstract: Seabuckthorn (Hippopheae rhamnoides L. ) is one of the most important under exploited fruit crops of the high altitude cold arid zones which has immense industrial importance because o~ its medicinal, cosmetic and nutraceutical value. The small sized fruits are highly perishable and cannot be consumed fresh due to their highly acidic taste. It therefore, becomes imperative to develop processing procedures in order to ensure its scientific utilization for developing food products. Studies were initiated at Field Research Laboratory, Leh, India, during the year 1996 regarding fruit quality parame ters, pulp extraction and storage studies. Value addition techniques for preparation of various prod ucts were standardised. Seabuckthorn is a non -climacteric fruit which ripen uniformly over a very short period. Fruit maturity can be judged on the basis of fruit colour, total soluble solids, acidity and days after full bloom. Sink-float method for judging maturity indices has not proved to be an authentic method. Average fruit weight of ripe fruits varied from 126.33 mg to135.0 mg , content of juice from 61.42 to 72.07 per cent, pH of fresh juice from 1.49 to 5.7, total soluble solids from 12.33 to 20. 75 per cent and acidity from 3.40 to 4.01 per cent. Method for pulp extraction and storage were studied. It has been observed that pulp recovery varies from 61.42 to 72.07 per cent depending upon the method used for extraction and stage of fruit maturity. Pulp extraction by mechanical means using a stainless steel pulper having 1/32 mesh has been found to be the best method. Extracted pulp is can be utilized for industrial applications for a period of 14 months if it is stored in food grade containers using chemical preservatives. Seabuckthorn squash having 25% pulp, 48°~50°Brix TSS and 1% acidity and nectar having 20% pulp, 15°Brix TSS and 0.3% acidity have been standardised. Seabuckthorn jam was prepared in combination with fruits like apple, mango, etc. Seabuckthorn pickle has been very successful at the cottage industry level. It is prepared from semi ripe fruits and preserved in vinegar or edible oils. Production procedures for products viz. , blended juice, sauce, chayavanprash have also been standardised where maximum nutritive value is retained despite storage and processing. Production technology for seabuckthorn beverage has been commercialised and this has given a boost to the socio - economic status of the local farmers besides opening avenues for utilization of this hitherto unutilized fruit.
出处 《国际沙棘研究与开发》 2007年第3期29-33,共5页
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