2007年德国拜罗伊特歌剧节上,瓦格纳曾孙女、29岁的凯瑟琳·瓦格纳执导的新版《纽伦堡的名歌手》因为过于"离经叛道",引来圈内外一片哗然。其实早在2004年,凯瑟琳就曾力挺风格怪诞的先锋戏剧导演施林根斯耶夫(christoph schlingensief),执导了一部"荒诞"版的《帕西法尔》,当年也曾引起争议。对于自己执导的新版《纽伦堡的名歌手》遭到如此大的非议,凯瑟琳表示,她对一切负面的评语一概不予理睬,因为"遭受各种批评是导演工作的一部分,无可避免"。据悉,凯瑟琳极可能接替其87岁的老父沃尔夫冈·瓦格纳.成为拜罗伊特歌剧节的新一任艺术总监。面对如此大胆而又前卫的女掌门人,瓦格纳传统将何去何从?全世界的瓦格纳迷是追随还是摈弃?让我们从今年的《纽伦堡的名歌手》说开去……
At the Bayreuth Festival 2007, the new production of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg which was directed by Richard "Wagner's 29-year-old great- granddaughter Hatharina Wagner, made a commotion within and outside the circle, due to its "deviation from the norms." The real cause of this disturbance should extend to the opera market outside Bayreuth. Germany is the world's leading country with the largest number of flew productions or existing operatic repertoire. In that way, all contemporary directors go there to try out their works. One oF the main reasons that allows for German opera houses to do this is state sponsorship, thus the audience feed justified in enjoging such rights as taxpayers. But in countries like the United States, almost all operatic productions are sponsored by the private sector. Thus, if you do not conform to the sponsor's idea of a conventional operatic production.funding would simply be cut off. This also serves as an example for our country as we forge new paths in our own opera, industry.