AIM: To explore the in vitro culture approaches, biological function and expression of surface marking of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). METHODS: Totally 5 female SLE patients aged 20-35 years were selected at Department of Rheumatology, First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University from December 2004 to December 2005. The diagnosis was accorded with the diagnostic criteria of American Rheumatism Association (ARA) in 1997. MSCs were isolated from bone marrow of 5 SLE patients after their agreement by density centrifugation and adhesive culture in vitro. The morphological change and the proliferation growth curve of MSCs were observed in primary and passage cultures. The surface makers and cell cycle were detected by flow cytometry (FCM). RESULTS: MSCs were successfully isolated from 5 SLE patients, and MSCs from one patient were stopped culturing, because of bacterial contamination.①Passage cells grew rapidly as compared with the primary cells. These cells were 90% confluence for 8-10 days. After observing the growth curve of P1 and P2 cells, it was found that the latency phase was for 1-3 days, and from the 4^th day these cells entered log phase of growth, reached the peak on the 7= day and then entered platform phase.②After flow cytometry, MSCs surface antigen verified that MSCs expressed CD105, CD13, CD90, CD73, but did not express CD34, CD45, CD38, CD33. The purity of the third generation was more than 95%, and bone marrow mononuclear cells and macrophagus contamination were excluded basically.③ MSCs cycle analysis displayed that 9.46% of the cells were in S/G2/M, and 90.54% of the cells were in G0/G1. CONCLUSION: The MSCs from SLE patients can be cultured purely and extensively proliferate and retain stem cell biological feature. The methods of MSCs culture can be used for clinical MSCs therapy.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research