

Double Contrast Radiography of Gastrointestinal Tract in the Diagnosis of GERD
摘要 目的探讨胃食管反流病的X线检查方法及造影表现。方法总结2004~2005年胃肠造影诊断胃食管反流病(GERD)的患者431例,男226例,女205例,平均年龄62岁。双重造影表现与内镜检查结果进行对照。造影诊断标准为5min内至少有1次钡剂从胃内向食管反流。反流钡剂限于食管下段为轻度反流,反流钡剂到达食管中段为中度反流,反流钡剂到达食管上段为重度反流。结果431例患者中,87.24%为轻度反流,7.66%为中度反流,5.10%为重度反流。反流体位95.82%为左前斜位,4.18%为左前斜和右前斜位都有反流。本组资料中35例进行了内镜检查,17例证实,18例内镜检查阴性。结论胃肠造影可直观地观察到胃内钡剂向食管的反流,操作简单,对临床诊断GERD有重要的参考价值。 Objective To evaluate the radiological methods and imaging findings of gastro-esophageal reflux disease(GERD). Methods To summarize the 431 patients of GERD diagnosed by gastrointestinal radiography from January 2004 to Deeemer 2005,226 cases were male ,205 female, with an average age of 62 years. The radiographic findings were compared with endoscopy results. The diagnostic criteria was that the barium was refluxed from stomach to esophagus more than once within 5 minutes. Reflux barium to lower esophagus was mild reflux, middle esophagus was moderate, upper esophagus was severe. Results Among 431 patients,87.24% were mild reflux ,7.66% were moderate reflux ,5.10% were severe reflux. 95.82% of reflux position were left anterior oblique,4. 18% were both left and right anterior oblique. In the data,35 cases underwent endoscopy,the results of 17 cases were positive,18 cases negative. Conclusion The barium reflux from stomach to esophagus can be directly observed during gastrointestinal radiography. And the procedure is simple. It is helpful to the clinical diagnosis of GERD.
出处 《临床消化病杂志》 2007年第4期231-232,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
关键词 胃食管反流病 X线 诊断 GERD Radiology Diagnosis
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