
MSCT小肠造影在小肠梗阻病变诊断中的应用 被引量:4

Clinical Application of Multislice CT Enterography in Diagnosis of Small-bowel Obstruction
摘要 目的:评价多层螺旋CT小肠造影(MSCTE)对小肠梗阻性疾病的临床应用价值。方法:30例临床及常规X线平片诊断为小肠梗阻患者,造影前口服1200ml2.5%等渗甘露醇溶液,静脉肌注20mg山茛菪碱注射液,20min后多层螺旋CT增强扫描;将原始数据2次重建后在GEADW4.0图形工作站上进行多平面容积重组(MPR)、最大密度投影(MIP)重建,结合横断面图像,分析小肠梗阻的MSCTE表现,并与临床诊断或手术病理结果对照。结果:30例均一次屏气完成扫描,小肠充盈良好,MSCTE成像可清楚显示小肠梗阻位置、肿瘤、肠粘连、Crohn病、及系膜、血管等情况。结论:MSCTE对小肠梗阻的病因诊断有很高临床价值。 Objective:To assess the clinical application value of multislice CT enterography in detecting small bowel obstruction. Methods:30 cases of small bowel obstruction diagnosed by clinical X-ray films were studied. About 1200ml isosmotic mannitol was administered and 20mg of raceanisodamine hydrochloride was injected intravenously. Helical CT scanning was performed. Imaging data were postprocessed with multiplanar reformat (MPR) and maximum intensity projection (MIP). The features of different small bowel diseases were analyzed,and compared with clinical diagnosis and surgical/ pathological findings. Results:30 patients were performed multislice CT enterography successfully with breath hold. Multislice CT enterography can detect the location,and causes,such as tumor,crohn disease and postoperative adhesion of small bowel obstruction. Conelusion:MSCTE plays an important role in detecting causes of small bowel obstruction.
出处 《放射学实践》 2007年第9期946-949,共4页 Radiologic Practice
关键词 体层摄影术 X线计算机 小肠梗阻 诊断 Tomography,X-ray computed Smal-bowel obstruction Diagnosis
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