
数字水印技术综述 被引量:1

a Survey of Digital Watermarking
摘要 数字水印作为一种将特殊信息嵌入媒体数据的技术,近年来已成为国内外研究的热点并有着广泛的应用前景。通常数字水印被应用于数字图像、音频、视频以及其他媒体产品上以进行版权保护和验证多媒体数据的完整性。在介绍数字水印的提出和研究现状的基础上,并对其基本原理、算法和特点进行了阐述,同时对水印的分类和攻击进行了深入分析,并详细指出了数字水印技术的应用领域,最后指出了数字水印今后的研究方向。 Digital watermarking, the technology of embedding special information into multimedia data, is a topic that has recently gained increasing attention all over the world. The watermark of digital images, audio, video, and other media products in general has been proposed for resolving copyright ownership and verifying the integrity of content. The advance present research situation of watermark techniques are First introduced in this writing, and then the basic concepts and algorithms and characteristic are expatiated. For Further understanding, the watermark techniques from the classified and assault of watermark techniques are analyzed in detail. At the same time, mentions the application in different fields of the watermark technique, Finally, the possible research direction of digital watermark technology are pointed out.
机构地区 桂林工学院
出处 《科技广场》 2007年第7期105-107,共3页 Science Mosaic
关键词 数字水印 分类 攻击 版权保护 Digital Watermark Classification Assault Copyright Protection
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