

IP traceback based on NNT
摘要 计算机通信网络的安全防护体系是一个动态的,基于时间变化的概念。在伪造及攻击手段层出不穷的情况下,为了取得最新的攻击技术的资料,得到入侵者攻击系统的证据,追查攻击的真正来源,将神经网络与陷阱技术相结合,提出了一种新的基于神经网络的主动IP源回溯方案,并分析了这一方案的实现流程及算法实现。与现有回溯技术比较,具有很低的网络和路由开销,较低的路由错选和漏报率,得到了满意的结果。 The security system of computer communication network should be dynamic and different according to the times. While the forgery and attack technique emerge endlessly, in order to gain the evidence and the genuine IP address of the attacks, a honeynet with NNT based IP initiative Traceback technique is firstly presented. The implement flow and arithmetic simulation program are also given. Comparing with the other IP Traceback solutions, the rate of fail report, the wrong router selection, the costs of the router and network of this technique are lower. The obtained results are efficient and satisfactory.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第17期4105-4107,共3页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 计算机网络 IP回溯 陷阱网络 网络安全 神经网络 computer network IP Traceback honeynet network security NNT
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