Based on the assumption that the Pomeron is a sum of Regge multipoles, each of which corresponds to a finite gluon ladder, we suggest a way to search the Odderon by studying the diffractive processes of ^-pp and pp elastic scattering. From our theoretical calculations and fits to the corresponding experimental data at high energies and all available momentum transfer, we find that the Odderon plays a significant role in the description of differential cross section dσ/ dt in the whole experimental domain. Accordingly, we can claim that the ^-pp and pp diffractive processes at high energies s and moderate momentum transfer t could be a good tool to search for Odderon and to test QCD since the processes are purely non-perturbative QCD phenomena. Therefore, the experimental measurements are urgently demanded.
The project supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 10565001, the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi under Grant Nos. 0542042, 0481030, and 0575020, and the Financial Support of Guangxi University of Technology under Grant No. 05006