针对连接局域网的无线网桥宕机问题,分析了网络结构和传输的数据,总结出故障原因是广播域过大造成MAC列表频繁更新所致。用路由器把无线网和局域网隔离来减小广播域,解决了无线网桥宕机问题。采用ISDN拨号作为无线网备用连接,利用RIP 2协议实现链路故障切换,并进一步讨论了提高连接安全、带宽利用率和故障切换速度的手段。
To troubleshoot the wireless bridges' crashing, which connect two LANs, the topology of networks and data flow on wireless link were analyzed. A conclusion was drawn that too large broadcast domain induces the bridges' MAC list refreshing frequently, which results in crashing. By separating LAN and wireless netwaorks with routers to shrink the broadcasting domain of wireless link, crashing does not happen at all. ISDN dial link backups the wireless link, and links' fail-over occurs with RIP 2 protocol. Then it' s discussed that how to improve dialing safe, to increase the utilization ratio of bandwidth and to shorten fail-over time of links.
Journal of Shandong Jianzhu University