
胃癌组织及胃液中端粒酶活性的检测及意义 被引量:1

Determination and Significance of Telomerase Activity in Gastric Carcinomas and Their Juice
摘要 目的:研究胃癌组织和胃液中端粒酶活性与胃癌的关系及对胃癌的诊断意义。方法:用PCR-ELISA方法检测20例胃癌的癌组织和胃液中端粒酶活性,同法检测20例正常胃组织和胃液中的端粒酶活性以作对照。结果:20例胃癌组织中,端粒酶活性阳性为80%(16/20),胃液中端粒酶活性阳性率75%(15/20)。正常胃组织端粒酶活性阳性无表达(0/20),胃液中端粒酶活性阳性无表达(0/20)。结论:端粒酶可能参与了胃癌的发生发展过程,检测胃液中端粒酶活性可能有助于胃癌的诊断。 Objective:To detect the telomerase activity in gastric carcinomas and gastric fluid and to elucidate the relationship between telomerase and gastric carcinoma and its significance in clinical diagnosis.Methods:Telomerase activities were examined in 20 cases of gastric carcinomas and their juice,and 20 cases of normal gastric tissues and their juice respectively with telomerase PCR-ELISA method.Results:Telomerase activity was detected in 16 of 20 case(80%) of gastric carcinoma,telomerase activity was detected in 15 of 20 case(75%) of juice of gastric carcinoma,and was not found in 20 cases of normal gastric tissue and their juice.Conclusion:The telomerase may be most likely involved in the proliferation and malignant transformation of the epithelia and the malignant progression of gastric carcinoma.The detection of telomerase activity in juice may be useful for diagnosis of gastric carcinomas.
出处 《实用临床医学(江西)》 CAS 2007年第7期11-13,共3页 Practical Clinical Medicine
关键词 胃癌 端粒酶 PCR-ELISA gastric carcinoma telomerase PCR-ELISA
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