Objective: To study the impact of anatomic anterior exenteration on female urinary continence mechanism, which could direct our further study and clinical operation in this area. Methods: The gross anatomy had been done on 20 female cadavers. In each cadaver, after the nerve (the continence nerve) to the urethra being exposed, mock operations of anatomical anterior exenteration through the retropubic were performed to identify any surgical maneuvers that might damage the continent nerves and the urethral muscles. Results:The gross anatomy showed that the pelvic plexus sents the bundles to rectum, vagina and the urinary bladder-urethra. The vagina sents the bundles to the urethra. And the bundles to bladder-urethra goes along the side of pelvis The terminal branches of the pudendal nerve, some also of clitoris dorsal nerve, were found to run to the urethra. On the basis of these anatomic findings, the mock operation showed that the dissection closely to the pelvic, the resection of urethra 〉0. 5 cm, anastomosing the neo-bladder-urethra deeply, and so on, might damage the continent nerve and muscles easily. Conclusions: It is helpful for protecting female urinary continence to keep away those maneuvers which might damage the female urinary continent miehanism.
Journal of Clinical Urology
Female urinary injury continence
Anatomic anterior exenteration