The organic carbon storage in trees and organic carbon flow with geoposition of trees was estimated in the forest area of Chittagong (South) Forest Division within geo-position 91°47′ and 92°15′ East longitude and 21°45′ and 22°30′ North latitude. The study was conducted through stratified random sampling by identifying each sampling point through Global Positioning System (GPS). It was found that above ground organic carbon storage (t/hm^2), below ground organic carbon (t/hm^2) and total biomass organic carbon (t/hm^2) was respectively the highest in Dipterocarpus turbinatus (Garjan) (7.9, 1.18 and 9.08 t/hm^2) followed by Tectona grandis (Teak) (5.66, 0.85 and 6.51 t/hm^2), Artocarpus chaplasha (Chapalish) (2.32, 0.34 and 2.66 t/hm^2), Artocarpus lacucha (Batta) (1.97, 0.29 and 2.26 t/hm^2) and Artocarpus heterophyllus (Jackfruit) (1.7,0.25 and 2.26 t/hm^2). From the study it was revealed that organic carbon stock was the highest (142.7 t/hm^2) in the geo-position 22° Latitude and 92° Longitude and was the lowest (4.42 t/hm^2) in the geo-position 21° 50′ Latitude and 92° 2.5′ Longitude. The forest of the study area is a good reservoir of organic carbon so has a good capacity to sequester organic carbon from the atmosphere. Sustainable forest management may help to sequester more organic carbon so that economic benefit for the country and environmental benefit in the international arena are possible from the study area.
在树上的器官的碳存储;有树的 geoposition 的器官的碳流动在 geo 位置以内在 Chittagong (南方) 福雷斯特分割的森林区域被估计 91 ° 4 7 ′;92 ° 1 5 ′东方经度;21 ° 4 5 ′;22 ° 3 0 ′诺思纬度。学习被通过全球放的系统(GPS ) 识别每个采样点通过成层的随机取样进行。它被发现那上面扎根的器官的碳存储(t/hm [2 ]) ,下面扎根的器官的碳(t/hm [2 ]) ;全部的生物资源器官的碳(t/hm [2 ]) 分别地在 Dipterocarpus turbinatus (Garjan ) 最高(7.9, 1.18;9.08 t/hm [2 ]) 由 Tectona 列在后面宏大(柚木)(5.66, 0.85;6.51 t/hm [2 ]) ,面包果 chaplasha (Chapalish )(2.32, 0.34;2.66 t/hm [2 ]) ,面包果 lacucha (战时津贴)(1.97, 0.29;2.26 t/hm [2 ]) ;面包果 heterophyllus (印度产桑科乔木)(1.7, 0.25;2.26 t/hm [2 ]) 。从学习,器官的碳存货是,这被揭示最高(142.7 t/hm [2 ]) 在 geo 位置 22 °纬度;92 °经度;最低(4.42 t/hm [2 ]) 在 geo 位置 21 ° 50 ′纬度;92 ° 2.5 ′经度。学习区域的森林那么是器官的碳的一座好水库有一个好能力扣押从空气的器官的碳。持续森林管理可以帮助扣押更器官的碳以便为这个国家的经济利益;在国际竞技场的环境利益从学习区域是可能的。