
基于轮廓线的非真实感绘制技术 被引量:2

Non-Photorealistic Rendering Techniques Based on Silhouette
摘要 从NPR技术的形成和特点出发,详细论述了NPR中轮廓线的检测和绘制技术等问题。轮廓线在NPR中占有重要地位,它的表现不仅关系到NPR最终效果的好坏,而且也是实时绘制中一个提高速度的关键。重点介绍了NPR中流行的和最新的轮廓线检测与绘制技术,并对这些算法和技术进行了分类与分析,总结了其优缺点和适用场景。 In this paper describe the research process in NPR. Silhouette plays a critical role in NPR. NPR effect greatly depends on the silhouette performance. And it' s also a key technology for speedup in real - time NPR. This paper introduces the most popular and latest techniques in silhouette detection and rendering. And classify and analyze them. After analyzing the advantage and disadvantage of them, the working context of them is also concluded.
作者 范华 秦茂玲
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2007年第10期237-241,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金(69975010 60374054) 山东省自然科学基金(Y2003G01 Z2004G02)
关键词 非真实感绘制 轮廓线检测 轮廓线的风格化绘制 non-photorealistic rendering silhouettes detection stylized silhouette rendering
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