The tmusual characteristics of mitoehondrion have prompted us to conduct study of mitoehondrial genomes. A comprehensive analysis of base composition properties and the relationship between base composition and amino acid composition in 93 arthropod mitochondrial genomes was carried. Among arthropod mitoehondrlal genomes, the GC contents of the whole genomes range from 13.28% to 39.64% and are strongly correlated with that of the third codon position (r = 0.9432, p 〈 0.01 ). In addition, most major changes in base composition between lineages can be attributed to shifts between the proportions of C and T, A and G. Furthermore, base compositional bias could lead to amino acid bias by compared analysis of NG004529 and NC.003979. The striking variations in base composition exist both within genomes and across species. These results suggest that some genome- wide factors such as GC mutational bias are important for the biased base composition in arthropod mitoehondrial genomes.
Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics