

A study about the migration path and situation of the rural surplus labor in Shandong rolling country
摘要 根据对山东省丘陵地区临沭县的农户外出打工情况的抽样调查,研究发现:目前山东丘陵地区农村剩余劳动力外出打工情况是相当普遍的,打工对家庭的收入具有决定性的影响,打工的主要原因是城乡收入差距,其次才是劳动力剩余和年轻人渴望从事非农业生产等原因。存在缺乏双亲监督,留守儿童读书不理想的家庭约有20%。当地政府对农民外出打工起到的引导作用比较有限,调查中接受过政府培训或者由政府组织外出打工的农民仅约占20%。当地招商引资项目对就业的拉动效果不太明显,文章呼吁一定要注意发挥我国劳动力便宜的相对比较优势,走劳动密集型道路,以求拉动就业。关于劳动力转移的态势,研究发现,农村25岁以下,初中以上文化程度的劳动力供给已经出现逐年减少的趋势。估计在不久的未来,流向城市的农村剩余劳动力虽然总量上不会减少,但是真正能够融入城市工业化进程的农村年轻知识型劳动力(知识型在这里指初中以上文化程度)的供给会出现短缺。 According to the survey about the situation of rural labor force in Linshu county of Shandong province, we found: it is quite general that the surplus rural labors migrate to urban area to work. The income from urban job is crucial for a rural family. The most important reason for surplus rural labors to find jobs in urban area is the income difference between urban area and rural area. The surplus labor and the rejection of youth to farmer works are minor reasons. There are about 20% families facing serious education problems of children whose parents have left for urban area to work. It is not enough what the county governments have done to help rural labors to work in urban area. Only about 20% rural labors benefit from government when they migrate to urban area to work. Additionally, this paper suggests taking advantage of relatively comparative cheap labor force in China, and attaching importance to labor intensive industries which can increase employment. We also found that the labor force under 25 years old and with junior high school education decreases every year. Finally, we conclude that the total surplus rural labor force migrating to urban area will not decrease but the supply of young educated rural labor force will not satisfy the demand in the near future.
作者 张褀 王桂新
出处 《西北人口》 2007年第5期12-16,共5页 Northwest Population Journal
基金 复旦大学2006年暑期社会实践--社会主义新农村建设考察项目基金
关键词 山东丘陵地区 农村剩余劳动力转移 态势 路径 Shandong rolling country surplus rural labor force migration path
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