基于大型有限元软件ANSYS,分别对低相变点焊条LTTE(Low Transformation Temperature Electrode)和E5015焊条的横向立板角接接头的应力场进行三维数值动态模拟,并将计算控制在可接受的范围内。结果表明,LTTE焊条的焊缝在焊趾部位产生的是压应力场,而E5015焊条的焊缝在焊趾部位产生的是拉应力场,两者形成了鲜明的对比,从理论上证实了LTTE焊条在改善焊接接头残余应力场方面的作用。
This article analyzes the transverse fillet welded joints' residual stresses welded by LTTE electrodes and E5015 electrodes. The amount of calculation was controlled within the acceptable range.The calculated results show that, the stress fields of beams welded by LTTE electrodes are compressive stresses and beams welded by E5015 electrodes are tensile stresses.The effects of LTTE electrodes in improving welded joints' residual stresses were proved.
Electric Welding Machine