栎纷舟蛾在浙江丽水1 a发生3代,以蛹在林下土中越冬。翌年4月中旬成虫羽化,5月上旬出现第1代幼虫,7月上旬出现第2代幼虫,8月下旬出现第3代幼虫,9月下旬至10月上旬,老熟幼虫陆续下树入土,在表土下约3 cm土层内化蛹越冬。幼虫从5龄开始进入暴食期。
Fentonia ocypete has 3 generations a year in Lishui of Zhejlang Province and overwinters as pupa in the soil. The adult emerges in mid April the next year. The larva of the 1st generation hatches in the first ten days of May and the larvae of the 2nd and the 3rd generations emerge in the first ten days of July and the last ten days of August respectively. Between the last ten day of September and first ten days of October the mature larva goes down the tree into the soil and pupates.
Forest Pest and Disease